We found out last week that a very important person in the life of our sweet little B is moving on to different (greener?) pastures. Scott and I both struggled with this all weekend...
Oh. My. Gosh. What?!
What are we going to do?!
How is B going to feel?!
Crap. How could they let her leave?!
How can we keep in touch?!
We just did not see this coming. Who will take her place?!
We have to learn to trust a new person?!
Crap. We are supposed to be happy for her.
I strongly believe in the saying "it takes a village to raise a child". This is probably especially true for folks like us who have to leave our children in the care of other folks for eight or nine hours a day. (If you have never had to do this, I will tell you it is hard. You worry. You miss them. You appreciate them more when you finally get to see them at the end of the day.)
That being said... this person has been around for almost the entire two years of B's life. She has had such a positive, profound effect on B and each child she has worked with. I really think that these developmental years are sooo important. A young baby/child is literally a sponge. Listening. Watching. Thinking. Learning. Mimicking. Repeating. The ultimate goal is to expose your child to someone who is worth listening to, and worth watching and thinking about; someone to learn from, and who does and says things you want your child to mimic and repeat.
We had that and so much more in this person.
You Know Who You Are :)
We really only knew each other through Miss B, (and some crafty-soul vibes!) but B is one of the most precious threads that make up my life... so to know you through her is something I will never forget.
While we are utterly devastated by your leaving, we wish you the best that life has to give.
Who's awesome? YOU are. |